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What is Delvin Data Demo?
Here at Delvin, we feel that one of the greatest challenges in learning a foreign language is making the jump from "book learning" to understanding real-life language. This is especially true with a difficult language like Japanese. Many have argued that having large amounts of comprehensible input is a key requirement for language acquisition (Input Hypothesis, Antimoon, AJATT). And it's all the more effective if the input is fun and incremental.
Native-language content by itself is not sufficient to do this well. Learners need accurate translations and word-by-word breakdowns of material for it to be really useful. So it seems like what's needed is not just better apps, but better data. Taking Japanese as an example, there are countless learning apps and sites, but only a handful of high-quality datasets that power them, like the ubiquitous JMdict and Tatoeba. Tatoeba is great, but is relatively lacking in audio/video and most of its sentences are not natural, native text but derived translations. What if there was an open dataset designed for the purpose of providing authentic comprehensible input?
Inspired by this, we've been working on an experiment called Delvin Data. Our idea is start with an open, structured database of language, based on video clips from authentic, immersive sources (e.g. those meant for natives). Authentic video makes it fun; structure (esp. indexing by words) lets it be customized and incremental. Given that data, what kinds of new apps/sites/decks could be made? We've built one study site using the data (the SRS-based Delvin), and it seems promising to us.
We're ready to take the idea further if there's enough interest from the learning community. If this is something you want to see developed further or want to collaborate, let us know!
Lo siento.
#11354 / 56
¡La puta madre!
#9535 / 52
Ernesto, come back! Fuck you! Ernesto, come back!
- Los dos. - Sí. Claro.
#9139 / 52
Who dares go first? Both of us. He reads much faster than me. He's really a fast reader.
Alma, ¿quién es el padre?
#10791 / 53
Alma, who is the father?
Como tú con el tuyo.
#11370 / 56
Like you were with yours?
- ¿La de allá también? - Sí.
#9096 / 52
-Is this Mercaderes? -Yes. -And that one? -Yes. We have to count backwards.
¡La concha de tu madre!
#8651 / 52
I could probably make it there in half the time if you'd mind your own business. You motherfucker!
- Para la próxima, ¿eh? - Sí.
#8679 / 52
Just normal clams? -Clams are always clams. Maybe next time.
De aquí se ve el hospital.
#9287 / 52
You can see the hospital from here, and the lab is over there.
Básicamente, nos echó de la casa.
#11380 / 56
He pretty much kicked us out.
Pero segurito nos devuelve la llamada.
#10998 / 53
Buit I'm sure she'll return our call.
El de atrás. Tú también. Ése.
#8991 / 52
The one in the back. You, too.
¿Lo botó? ¿De qué manera? ¿Cómo?
#9056 / 52
How'd he throw you out?
Bueno, muchachos. Ése es el barco.
#9141 / 52
Well, boys, that's the ship, "La Cenepa." You'll be in San Pablo in 5 days.
¿Qué es lo que quiere ahora?
#12227 / 58
Now what do you want?
Sí, pero no se lo permitieron.
#11247 / 56
She told me she wanted to see Mr. Ignacio one last time... Yes, but they didn't let her. Instead, they treated her like garbage.
¿Qué pasó con los hombres que vinieron?
#11329 / 56
What happened with those guys who were here?
Todo lo que se hace se paga.
#12360 / 59
What goes around comes around.
- ¿Cómo no frena? - ¡No sirven los frenos!
#8792 / 52
-Hit the brakes! -What brakes? -What do you mean? -The brakes are gone! Fucking mechanic!
Bueno, es que se lo pensó mejor.
#11934 / 58
Why did he only hire you? He thought about it and since it's a small house, he didn't want to bother you with so many workers.
La puta madre que lo parió. Carajo.
#8495 / 52
Damn it! Fucking shit! You all right, Fuser?
Bueno, ¿y qué tal el hermano mayor?
#12099 / 58
Well, What about the older brother?
En los años que llevo aquí, nadie.
#9540 / 52
Please tell me someone has already crossed this river. In all the years I've been here, no one. Ernesto, come back here, damn it. Son, listen to your friend!
Pero los invasores españoles tenían la pólvora.
#9074 / 52
but the Spanish invaders had gunpowder.
Pero mucho ayuda el que no estorba.
#12199 / 58
Not getting in the way would help.
- Con gusto, sí. ¿La puedo abrir? - Sí.
#9137 / 52
You can give me your opinion in Ucayali. -Of course. May I? -Of course. Who dares go first?
¿Qué fue lo que pasó con Leonardo anoche?
#10854 / 53
What was it that happened with Leonardo last night?
¿Eso es todo lo que va a declarar?
#11916 / 58
Is that all you have to say?
¿Cómo que por qué? Porque soy el mecánico.
#8907 / 52
-Really? And why's that? -Why? Because I am the mechanic. You could make a buck selling her for scrap. Chile is her last stop.
Y lo voy a hacer a mi manera.
#10957 / 53
And I'm going to do it my way.
Bueno, pero es el papá de su hijo.
#10965 / 53
Well, but it's the father of her son.
¡Qué padre, Patricia, los volviste locos a todos!
#11013 / 53
That's so cool, Patricia, you drove all of them crazy!
- ¿Cómo sentís la moto? - El alambre hace maravillas.
#8493 / 52
How's the bike feel? It's amazing, you can fix anything with wire. It's riding better than ever.
Cuando estaba produciendo todos los productos, me botó...
#9055 / 52
I was doing my work and he threw me out.
Pero, específicamente, ¿cómo gana lo que gana, señorita?
#9211 / 52 do you earn your earnings, Miss?
Ay, dios mío. Lo siento mucho, muchachos.
#11260 / 56
Oh, my God. I'm so sorry...
¿Y qué tal si los pierde en su intervención?
#12310 / 59
What if your intervention had killed them?
¿Saben que esta noche hay baile en la alcaldía?
#8727 / 52
You know, there's a dance at the City Hall tonight... and God willing, all the young girls in town will be there.
Porque yo respeto el dolor y respeto la vida.
#12314 / 59
Because I respect pain and life.
Sí. En la sala del costado, tenemos un quirófano.
#9301 / 52
-Do you also operate on this side? -Yes, we have an OR over there. That's Elvia, she's the daughter of a patient. A very good nurse.
Lo dices como si yo tuviera la culpa, Andrea.
#10858 / 53
You say it as if it was my fault, Andrea.
Eres mi hermana y sabes lo que estoy sufriendo.
#10859 / 53
You're my sister and you know I'm suffering.
Ay… es todo lo que tengo que decir, señor.
#11919 / 58
That's all I have to say, sir.
- ¿Vamos a conocer mejor el pueblo? - Sí, sí. Pero...
#8866 / 52
-Why don't we go take in the town? -Good idea, but... Don't you worry, sir.
Pero ese es el problema, que no sabemos nada.
#11952 / 58
That's the problem. We don't know anything.
Ah, muy bien. Los quiero aquí a primera hora.
#11969 / 58
We just talked to your mother and we start tomorrow. Great. I want you here early. If you're late, I'll dock your pay.
¿Qué pasó entre usted y ella la noche del velorio?
#11499 / 56
What happened between you and her the night of the wake?
Pero, dadas las precarias condiciones en las que viajamos,
#9493 / 52
But, in view of the shabby conditions in which we travel, all we have to offer you are words.
Aprovechando que el día de mañana dejaremos el Perú,
#9500 / 52
Tomorrow we leave for Peru, so these words are also our farewell,
Pero no en Venezuela como él lo había previsto.
#9019 / 52
And guess what? Alberto turned 30, but not in Venezuela as he had planned. We were so tired, Mum, we couldn't celebrate.
Pero cuando vinieron los españoles, comenzaron a destruir todo
#9031 / 52
During the Inca period, Cuzco was the capital. When the Spanish came they started to trash it all, -and made Lima the capital. -Lima?
Buenos días. ¿Quién de ustedes es el jefe?
#12189 / 58
Good morning. Which one of you is the boss?
Y si no, pues hacer como si lo fueras.
#10736 / 53
And if not, then you have to pretend you are.
Porque me duele lo que le pasó a tu hermana.
#11267 / 56
Because I'm hurt by what happened to your sister.
No, no los he visto. Pero seguro vienen en camino.
#10762 / 53
No, I haven't seen them. But I'm sure they're on their way.
Pero está bien, yo voy a averiguar toda la verdad.
#11279 / 56
I don't believe a word you're saying, Leonardo. It's fine, though. I'll find out what really happened. Fantastic. Investigate all you want.
Yo sé que no es buen momento, y lo siento.
#11349 / 56
I know it's not a good time and I'm sorry.
Hija, tú fuiste la que escogió a Leonardo por esposo.
#11365 / 56
Sweetie, you're the one who chose to marry Leonardo.
¿Cómo que no sabes de qué se trata la reunión?
#10879 / 53
How is it that you don't know what the meeting's about?
No, Andrea. Tu papá anda de lo más misterioso últimamente.
#10881 / 53
No, Andrea. Your father is being most mysterious at the moment.
¿Tampoco condujo el auto del difunto Ignacio, la misma noche?
#12463 / 59
You didn't drive Ignacio Del Junco's car that night either?
Ignacio jamás me habló de esto. La firma parece auténtica.
#11975 / 58
Ignacio never mentioned this to me. The signature looks authentic.
Todos en la familia usamos ese auto en cualquier momento.
#12501 / 59
We all have access to that car at any time.
Lo siento. Pero la reina no puede atender a nadie.
#11020 / 53
I'm sorry. But the Queen can't attend to anybody.
Hemos estado viviendo en la misma casa con un asesino.
#12612 / 59
We've been living in the same house as a murderer.
Tal vez nuestra apariencia no lo acredite, ¿no? Pero somos médicos.
#8519 / 52
What do you want? It may not look like it, but, well, we're both doctors... from Buenos Aires and Córdoba, respectively.
...a nuestros amigos, ¡a toda la gente, a la prensa!
#11099 / 53
...our friends, everyone, the press!
Así que pasaste toda la noche con la rubio, ¿eh?
#12707 / 59
So you spent all night with Rubio, huh?
Sí, es posible, ¿pero qué tal si alguien la llevó?
#12204 / 58
So then Alma Gallardo could've walked. It's possible. But what if someone took her? I don't know anymore. It .
Además, estuvo toda la noche en el velorio, estuvo aquí…
#11257 / 56
Besides, she was at the wake all night.
No… me toques. El único que me entendía aquí era papá.
#11372 / 56
Don't touch me. Dad was the only person who understood me.
Prometí sobre la tumba de nuestros padres que cuidaría de ustedes.
#10918 / 53
I promised on the grave of our parents that I would look after you all.
Si llegan tarde, se lo voy a descontar de su sueldo.
#11970 / 58
I want you here early. If you're late, I'll dock your pay.
Mañana va a ser la lectura del testamento de tu padre.
#11985 / 58
Tomorrow's the reading of your father's will.
¿Cómo quieren alimentar el cuerpo si antes no alimentaron el alma?
#9426 / 52
So, how do you expect to feed the body if you haven't first fed the soul?
La esposa y la suegra del detenido quieren platicar con usted.
#12530 / 59
The suspect's wife and mother-in-law want to talk to you.
Las camas son un poquito duras, pero es bueno para la columna.
#9286 / 52
The beds are a bit hard, but it's good for the spine.
Sí. Pero se los digo para que no se ganen enemigas mortales.
#9314 / 52
If it's not contagious, then it’s just symbolic, right? Yes, I'm just telling you so you don't make any mortal enemies. You know what, Doctor, you'll excuse us, but we're not going to wear them.
¿Qué le parece si esta discusión la dejamos para más tarde? ¿Sí?
#9337 / 52
Why don't we talk about this later?
El mecánico no viene hasta mañana, pero pueden dejar la moto aquí.
#8859 / 52
The mechanic won't be in until tomorrow, but the bike can stay right here.
Sí, se nota que le gustó mucho besar a la mujer, ¿no?
#11478 / 56
Yes, he obviously loves kissing his wife.
Un regalo para mi futura esposa y la madre de mi hijo.
#11038 / 53
A gift for my future wife and the mother of my child.
Mi madre no puede recibir a nadie, ¿es que no lo entienden?
#11180 / 56
My mother can't see anyone. Don't you get it?
Por más chulas que sean, si tienen la culpa, también van a pagar.
#11345 / 56
I don't care how hot they are. If they're guilty, they'll pay too.
Bueno, ¿y no crees que es lo que más quisiera en mi vida?
#10862 / 53
Okay, and you don't think that's what I want most in my life?
¡Si ese tipo no dio la cara con tu familia es por algo!
#10905 / 53
If that guy doesn't show his face to your family it's because of something!
Él era el mejor hombre del mundo, él lo era todo para mí.
#11989 / 58
He was the best man in the world. He was everything to me.
No me gusta que alma se quede en la ciudad por la noche.
#10995 / 53
I don't like that Alma stays in the city at night.
Justo en ese momento alguien entra conduciendo el auto de su difunto esposo.
#12595 / 59
Just at that moment, a man showed up in your late husband's car.
Se va a arrepentir, capitán, por todo el daño que nos está causando.
#12605 / 59
You'll regret doing this to us, Captain.
Tiene su carácter, sobre todo la grande, que le agarró manía a Arturo.
#12124 / 58
They have strong personalities, especially the eldest who didn't like Arturo.
¡Señores, les recuerdo que lo que paso hoy, no puede volver a suceder!
#12266 / 58
Gentlemen, what happened today can't happen again.
Lo siento, maestro. Usted me pidió mi opinión y yo se la doy.
#9165 / 52
I'm sorry, Maestro, you asked my opinion and that's it.
Porque esa muchacha que vino la noche del velorio, alma gallardo, se quitó la vida.
#11511 / 56
Because that girl, Alma Gallardo, the one who came here the night of the wake, killed herself.
Si usted me hubiera tendido la mano, señora, yo jamás hubiera renunciado a mi niña.
#12042 / 58
If you had lent me a hand, I wouldn't have ever given up my daughter.
Estoy harto de la gente como ustedes que van por la vida pisoteando a los demás.
#12358 / 59
I'm fed up with people like you who spend your life insulting others.
No sé, pero imagino que algo relacionado con el problema de los caballos del hipódromo.
#11423 / 56
I don't know, but it must have something to do with the horses at the racetrack.
Hablamos del plan de la obra, acabamos de hablar con su madre y mañana mismo arrancamos.
#11968 / 58
We're talking about our plan for the house. We just talked to your mother and we start tomorrow.
Quién iba a decir que la vida iba a poner a tus hijos en mi camino.
#11517 / 56
Who would've thought that life would put your sons in my path?
Yo pienso lo mismo que tú; Mi suegro jamás tendría negocios con un tipo como él.
#12163 / 58
I agree. My father-in-law would've never done business with a guy like him.
Señor… yo creo que la señora ya sabe la relación que tiene usted con la muchacha.
#11152 / 53
Sir… I think that the Lady knows about the relationship you have with the young lady.
No, Lucía, gracias, pero queremos que la habitación de alma permanezca como cuando estaba en nuestra casa.
#11523 / 56
No, Lucía, thanks. But we want to keep Alma's room the way it was at our house.
Pero ahora está en mis manos y la verdad no sirve de nada cuando se tiene poder.
#11208 / 56
But it's in my hands now, and the truth doesn't matter when you have power.
Ahora, le voy a pedir que trate de recordar -con lujo de detalles- todo lo que pasó esa noche.
#11906 / 58
Try to remember everything that happened that night.
Samuel, lo dijo la última vez que vino cuando lo sacaron a la fuerza, porque tú misma lo pediste.
#11440 / 56
Samuel. He said it the last time he was here, when you had him kicked out.
No, señor, no… yo lo único que tengo es que, pues, estoy nerviosa por el joven Leonardo, eso es todo.
#12622 / 59
Something between you and Miranda, right? No, sir. No... I'm just nervous about Mr. Leonardo. That's all.
Eso lo tengo muy claro, socio, tan claro que cuando quieras montar otra yegua que no sea la que tienes, esta es tu casa.
#11454 / 56
Loud and clear, partner. So clear that whenever you want to ride a new mare that isn't your own, make yourself at home here.