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Source: Tierra de Reyes | Capítulo 1
Ella es una mujer de principios y jamás hubiera aceptado salir conmigo.
She is a woman of principals and she would never have accepted dating me.
#189814 Ella ella
#191492 mujer mujer woman, wife
#206786 de de of, ’s, '{used after the thing owned and before the owner}', from, '{used to construct compound nouns}'
#209138 principios principios beginning, start, cause, origin, principle
#199876 y y and, well , plus
#201282 jamás jamás never, ever
#209391 hubiera hubiera to have, to hold, to possess, to exist, “there is”, “there are”, “there was”, “there were”, to have to do, '{used to denote a past obligation}'
#223110 aceptado aceptado to accept, to agree to
#187893 salir salir to go out, to leave, to log out, to rise, to go out, to turn out
#207704 es es to be, to be, to exist, to occur
#200935 conmigo conmigo with me
#216696 una una one, a