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What is This?

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Source: アイムホーム / I'm Home (2015) ep04
「そうだったかもしれないけど」?何よ その無責任な言い方!
"That may have been the case?" What a way to not take responsibility!
#10136 ない ない not
#10101 けど けど but, however, although
#10175 なに what, how many
#10553 indicates certainty, emphasis, contempt, request, etc.
#10373 その その that, the, um..., er..., uh...
#10436 そう そう so, really, true, the case, appearing that, seeming that, looking like, having the appearance of
#64949 無責任 むせきにん irresponsibility
#10102 be, is, indicates past or completed action
#43289 言い方 いいかた way of talking, speaking style
#10102 だっ だっ be, is, indicates past or completed action
#10110 indicate past completed or action
#12241 かも かも may, might, perhaps, may be, possibly
#12243 しれ しれ to become known, to come to light, to be discovered, to be known, to be understood