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Source: アイムホーム / I'm Home (2015) ep03
ごめん また クリーニング代かかっちゃうかもしれないけど。
Sorry, we’re going to have to pay for cleaning again.
#11583 ごめん ごめん sorry, your pardon, declining, dismissal, permission
#10880 だい charge, cost, price, counter for generations
#13944 かかっ かかっ to suffer from
#11312 ちゃう ちゃう to do something completely
#12241 かも かも may, might, perhaps, may be, possibly
#12243 しれ しれ to become known, to come to light, to be discovered, to be known, to be understood
#10136 ない ない not
#10101 けど けど but, however, although
#11800 また また again, and, also, still
#16542 クリーニング クリーニング cleaning, dry cleaning, laundry service