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What is This?

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Source: アイムホーム / I'm Home (2015) ep02
でも 気抜くとすぐ忘れちゃうから→
But when I let my attention slip I forget things, so
#10817 でも でも but, however, though, nevertheless, still, yet, even so, even, ... or something, either ... or ..., neither ... nor ...
#11312 ちゃう ちゃう to do something completely
#10234 から から from, since, from, by, because, after
#11817 spirit, mind, heart, intention, mood, feeling
#15715 抜く ぬく to extract, to omit, to draw out, to unplug
#10011 if, when, and, with, particle used for quoting, quoting particle
#11022 すぐ すぐ immediately, at once, directly, soon, before long, shortly, easily, without difficulty
#12585 忘れ わすれ to forget, to leave carelessly, to be forgetful of, to forget about, to forget