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What is This?

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Source: ドS刑事 / Ms. Sadistic Detective (2015) ep01
ウソつけ! お前みたいな奴が人助けなんかするか。
Liar! Do guys like you save people?
#12342 ウソ ウソ lie, falsehood, incorrect fact, Really!, Unbelievable!, No way!
#10102 be, is, indicates past or completed action
#12299 やつ thing, object, fellow, guy, chap
#10120 indicates sentence subject, but, however, still, and
#51704 人助け ひとだすけ act of mercy, helping another person
#10764 なんか なんか things like ..., or something like that ...
#10220 する する to do, verbalizing suffix, to make into, to be sensed, to be worth, to cost
#10140 indicates a question, some-, indicates doubt, uncertainty, etc.
#10318 つけ つけ to attach, to join, to add, to append, to affix, to stick, to glue, to fasten, to sew on, to apply
#11852 お前 おまえ you
#11781 みたい みたい -like, sort of, similar to, resembling